Wednesday, August 29, 2012

DIY: Burp Cloths

Raising a baby isn't cheap.  In fact, I think we spend more money on Mr. Jace in a month than I do on myself, but that's okay--he's worth it. ;)  Ever since I found out I was pregnant I was so excited to start making things for the baby.  Blankets, curtains, and burp cloths were just a few of my first projects.  Now that Mr. Jace is here I am finding more and more things I am able to sew myself in order to save a dime here and there.

The burpies I made are super easy to sew and you can make a ton with just a yard of two different fabrics.  The best part is that you can pick and choose your own materials to match the babies nursery theme/decor!

Let's begin!

What You'll Need:
- 18" x 8" piece of cotton fabric
- 18" x 8" piece of matching minky, chenille, or fleece fabric (terry cloth or pre-fold cloth diapers work as well)
- Matching thread (I matched mine to the minky fabric)

1. Start by washing and drying all of your fabric to preshrink it.  Then cut equal 18" x 8" pieces, adding 1/2" for the seam allowance.

2. Place the pieces with right sides facing one another and pin in place around the edges.

3. Begin sewing a 1/2" seam making sure to leave a 1 1/2" - 2" opening on one side in order to flip the material right side out.  Remember to backstitch about 1/2" when starting and stopping around this opening.

4. Remove the pins, clip your corners, and turn the burp cloth right side out.

5. At this point I like to iron the fabric so it lays better while creating a top stitch.  **Do not iron the minky material, only the cotton!  The heat will ruin the fabric.  Once ironed, pin around the edges and sew a 1/4" top stitch on all sides (this will close the turning hole.)

And voila, you have a handmade burpie for your little one!



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