I love lists and charts (but then again what mom doesn't??) As a stay at home mom to a two month old, the weekly "chores" around the house can sometimes be forgotten. :) The easiest way for me to keep track of what needs to be done and what has already been done is by creating a chart (I'm always looking for an excuse to make one.)
**Click to enlarge**
I like to split the tasks up throughout the week, doing the least amount of laundry/cleaning on the weekend. A momma's job is never done, but I like to take less time "working" during the weekend and more time spending it with Anthony and Jace.
You'll notice I divide the rooms up and sort the type of laundry done each day. I like to list each task that has to be done so that when I finish I can check it off; it helps me feel more accomplished! This chart/list is by no means all of the cleaning I do, it is simply a basic reference to post on my fridge to help throughout the week. If I don't have time to finish something one day then I can see it needs to still be done the following day.
Feel free to print your own copy if this particular chart will work for you! Just click the photo to enlarge it, right click on it, then click "print picture."
What are some of your favorite house cleaning tips??
Holy cow you clean out your fridge every other week?! You mean like a deep cleaning or a get rid of leftovers cleaning?
I use a dryer sheet on pretty much anything that collects dust about every 2 weeks. It limits the amount of dust on the items. So many uses for dryer sheets!
@ R Riley: I just mean get rid of leftovers cleaning. :)
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