Saturday, September 1, 2012

Jace's Bedtime Routine

It has taken us a month and a half, but we have finally settled into a bedtime routine that works for Mr. Jace.  When he was first born I tried putting him on a schedule.  That lasted all of two days and the time it took for me to realize I couldn't let him cry until it was time to feed him next.  A week or so later when he wasn't sleeping during the day I tried it again.  Once more a total fail. 

At this point we pretty much do everything on demand, sort of.  When Jace wakes up in the morning he eats around 8:00am and then nurses about every two hours throughout the day.  When it comes to nighttime, no matter what time he's eaten last, I try to get him in the bath around 8:00pm.  

I rotate every other night, "bathing" him on one night and just letting him sit in the bath and play the next.  I give him a bath every night regardless just to keep with the routine.  It helps him to wind down and realize it is getting time for bed.

On the nights I bathe him I either use Burts Bees Baby Shampoo & Wash or wash him with Johnson's Bedtime Moisture Wash and use Aveeno Essential Moisture Shampoo.

Baby Bee Shampoo & Wash - Fragrance Free

Johnson's Baby Bedtime Moisture Wash

On nights when he just gets a bath to keep the routine going I use Johnson's Bedtime Bath.  

Johnson's Baby Bedtime Bath, Bedtime

 Once he's out of the bath I always give him a short massage with Johnson's Bedtime Lotion.  

Once he gets a new diaper I'll usually put him in a long sleeve onesie or nightgown.  After bathtime I nurse him to help him get to sleep.  He usually nurses for about twenty minutes and then I rock him back to sleep if he wakes up once I go to put him in bed.

This routine works great for him, especially since he loves bathtime.  He used to wake up once I'd put him in the bassinet, but now he has gotten used to the routine and falls right back asleep as soon as I put him down.

What are some of your favorite nightly routine tricks for your little ones?



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